Yo.  My name is Neil and I wanted to start this blog.  That was such a ridiculous sentence.  Ha.  

Anyways, I have always had an oddly obsessive fascination with stuff.  I know it comes from my childhood, but it has been so strange as to how it has continued.  I’m sure there is an insane rabbit trail to go down to find out why, but fuck it; we’ll save that for later.

I love clothes and I love rad gear.  Gear that is intended for a purpose.  From clothing to coffee makers, I just dig new stuff that could improved your quality of life.  I have been a pseudo outdoors guys for a long while.  I say “pseudo” because my outdoorsiness consists of skateboarding and surfing.  I’m not an avid backpacker or something so don’t get the wrong impression.  However, I do enjoy being out in nature.  But just to be frank, I’m more along the lines of a glamper (you can cancel me if you want at this point).

From a gear perspective, I love super objective product. Topo Design, The North Face, or Arcteryx these some of the dopest brands! They are tech gear intended for the elements. So sick! But on the other hand, I love peoples perspectives and when people develop a brand to try and articulate a certain narrative or perspective. Look at shoe companies, one of the biggest (you can figure that one out), didn’t need to come about. There was no objective necessity. There were plenty of other footwear brands that would have, in time, most likely, come up with some insanely designed and functional footwear. But there was no brand that was looking towards how to encourage the performance and enhancement of athletes like the “big dawg” has. Look at the end of the day, the brand makes you feel better! And if you feel better, there is a high probability that you’ll execute better. So, additionally, I love brands that do something intuitively that can psychologically enhance your life. That is just as equal as in value! And supporting those that have a dream and perspective is awesome. So, equally, I love brands and product from a lot of spheres.

As we continue, you’ll catch the vibe.

From this fascination, I had always had this want to create a place where this kind of stuff lived.  And now being a dad, I feel like there is seemingly a strange need for this.  Speaking to dads at this point; when you become a dad there is something of a metamorphosis you go through.  You switch up your life for the better, but are equally as conflicted in that you may feel like you lost yourself.  Like as if you’re no longer aloud to have taste or care about anything other than money, house, cars, soccer practice, etc.  

As any good dad does and is doing, of course those things matter!  Duh!  Those come first!   But equally so, you don’t have to feel like you’ve lost yourself or have to, in a way, give up.  This blog is for those that don’t want to give up.  You can be a dad, family man, grandpa and still care about how you look and feel.  And damn it, you should!

Because just as much as you having a happy life is based on your happy wife, if you’re not happy, it will be hard to make wifey just has happy.  

So this is for you dad.  Whoever you may be.  Don’t give up.  Be cool with what you like.  Prioritize your family, but don’t just leave that drip in the dust.  It’s cool to be a dad and turn your swag on.

So this blog is intended to try and showcase rad brands, rad dads, and rad product that can upgrade your life to upgrade your routine.

I’m excited to start this journey. And a massive thank you to anybody that has chosen to follow along.

Oh yeah and tell your friends.