So if you haven’t gathered at this point the essential point of NORMAL association is the it is a dad blog with a focus on showcasing products and services that can help elevate a fathers life and circumstances.  I’m excited for what this is to become.  It is starting so small.  And if you haven’t gathered, this project is essentially coming out of the ashes of a “failed” previous project.  I went through that in some previous blog posts (read those later if you’d like).  But I’m super stoked on where this is going and super pumped on where it could go.  Repeating myself, whatever though.

I’m essentially using these first posts as a start to get better at writing.  These are intended to be longwinded and terribly written!  You’re catching me in the learning at this point.  In most things, you don’t get to see the beginnings or the learnings; not here.  You’re going to learn along with me.  And honestly, I feel like we miss out on so much in life because we’re not “along for the ride”.  The “ride” is where life really happens.  Yes, we all want to get to the destination, but we create bonds and stories from “the ride”.  You feel connected from going through the ride.  So, I’m stoked if you have decided to come on the ride with me.  

My hope and intention is to create a rad space, during a weird time, for people to come together and go on a ride as well.  Their own ride.  Currently, we’re just coming out of the COVID-19 pandemic of 2020.  This is meaning we have been fairly segregated from each other for approximately a year.  And during that year, it has seemed as our social muscles have  atrophied a bit.  We have been meeting online and on our phones, which is great, and honestly, I think has taught us to better use our technology.  But nothing will replace being with people.  Concurrently, I think we have also seen how digital platforms can actually be used for good and be used in an authentic way to continue to bolster relationship and connection.  

So, I’m crossing my fingers that this will do the same.  I’ll figure out how to put some dope stuff on here to look at and continue to write these little short blurbs to hopefully add some context as we continue.  Thanks for reading.  Who know, I’ve also toyed with the idea of just maybe making these into videos as its kind of a more fun way to do this……we’ll see.
